Tuesday, January 28, 2014

#ButterflyProject Update!!

Hey everyone!! :) 
I just wanted to update everyone on the "Debra of America Butterfly Project!" 
When Emily (@varsityclifford) and I created the project we were doing it in conjunction with the DEBRA branch in Ireland, we have been lucky enough to get the DEBRA branch of America to help us with our amazing plans for the concert in Dallas! We are very grateful for them and their help and are so excited to see what will be happening in the future with them! 
The blue butterfly was associated with DEBRA of Ireland, and since we will be working with DEBRA of America we would like to change the butterfly's color to RED!❤️ So new hashtags would be:
#ButterflyProject (this hashtag could help to keep confusion at a minimum, so people would not be confused of two separate projects happening! So if you can help spread the new hashtag and this post it would mean a lot!) Therefore we will want to make the "Release Your Butterfly" signs with red butterfly's! As well as wear red bandanas instead of blue! Since this is a change and many people have already heard of the project we will need your help to spread the word! So please tweet, Instagram, this information! Sharing this picture would be a huge help as well: 
Thank you all so much for wanting to help and make our concert amazing! Help to spread the news around and if you have any questions feel free to ask! 
Xoxo, Kate! 

Follow @DebRAofAmerica as well!! :):) 

Monday, January 27, 2014


Hello everyone!! I hope you're having an oh so lovely day, and have a smile on your face, and if you don't here is a hug xx. 

So I've been really thinking about creating a youtube channel, I'd like to explore that realm of entertainment and I think it'd be a fun way for you all to get to know me better, and for me to generate excitement for the show! I was just wondering if any of you would watch my videos, and if there were a certain type of videos you like to watch?? :) 

Tweet me and let me know if you want vlogs, music/book reviews, random videos (Suggest a topic!), anything!! :))

xoxo, Kate

WWA DALLAS DREAM TEAM: Look for an email in your inbox soon! :)

Monday, January 20, 2014


Hello WWA Dallas Goers! 
I hope you are all having a great day! I just wanted to give an update on some stuff regarding the WWA Dallas Dream Team! I'd just like to make a disclaimer that this is in no way to make drama, or make anyone "better" than anyone else or anything! :) Anyone can join the dream team and it's purpose is to make our concert amazing! I just need to have some basic info so I can keep up with everyone and everything!! :) 

Here is the application, they can be submitted by 2 methods:
1.) Emailing the application to wwadallas2014@gmail.com (preferred method)
2.) DM or tweeting the application answers to @WWADallas_2014

1.) State your first name, and last initial. (Last initial is asked for, incase someone has the same first name as you that you won't be mixed up)
2.) Do you live in the Dallas/FW/Arlington area? If not, how far away are you?
3.) What section are you sitting in at the concert?
4.) What is your preferred method of promotion of the two projects:
      a) twitter b) youtube c) instagram d) tumblr e.) etc. {If you chose e, explain what your alternative mode of promotion is}
5.) What is your twitter handle? 
6.) How old are you?
7.) What are you most excited about for the concert?
8.) Which project would you like to help more in: a) Blue Butterfly Project, b) Glow Out Dallas?
9.) Are you interested in being at the venue early, or nearby to the venue to meet up the day of the concert?
10.) What is your email address? (This is important)
11.) If it is needed to make/print more signs for the concert would you be willing?
12.) If it is needed to make more blue bandanas would you be willing?
13.) Are you followed by any of the boys? If so, who?
14.) What are some of your talents that could be beneficial to the promotion and putting the projects into action? 
Fun Questions :)
15.) Who is your favorite boy?
16.) Favorite song by One Direction?
17.) Have you seen the boys in concert before?
18.) If you answered yes above, please give a brief, or not so brief description of your experience! :)
19.) What can I do to get you excited for the concert?
20.) Why would you like to be apart of the WWA Dallas Dream Team?
21.) Tell me anything you want about yourself!
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions leave them here after your application.

DISCLAIMER: Everyone will be accepted the questions above are just to see what you can help us with the most, and to get to learn more about you! Thank you for taking your time to do this! 
Big Love, Kate xoxo

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hello Lovelies!! xx

Hey y'all!! :) 
I just wanted to make a little post just to talk to you guys, and to give you a little bit of an update! 

I hope you all have a great weekend, with Monday off too :) I am so excited to call you all my friends, and hopefully to get to meet a lot of you at the concert! Can you believe it is only 218 days until our concert?!?!? THAT IS CRAZY AHHHH :) I'm so excited, we are going to have such a great time. 

So a little update on BBP and Glow Out Dallas: DEBRA, the foundation we are doing the BBP for, has gotten in contact with me and Emily (@varsityclifford) about the project! Which is super exciting, and they want to help us out!! :) This is so exciting and we will definitely be keeping you all up to date as things progress with their help! As for Glow Out Dallas there is no more news at this point, except the fact we just need to keep promoting basically! :) You can find all the info so far on both the projects here: http://katethegreat497.blogspot.com/2014/01/updated-bbp-and-glow-out-dallas-info.html?spref=tw :) 

The last part of my post is to get some feedback from you guys so I can help get us excited! I'd like to make a "Get To Know Kate" post so you can all get to know who I am, and I want to get to know you all! So if you want a question about me answered in my post (1D, life related, whatever!) then tweet your question to me @WWADallas_2014 or #GetToKnowKate ! I want to get close to you guys, so we really can be like BFF's! Okay, now I have a question for you guys, what can I do to get you all pumped for the concert, more informed on the projects, anything? PLEASE let me know!! I want to make y'all happy :) Tell me what kind of blogposts you would like me to do, (tags, how my day was, stories, etc), video ideas for youtube, anything babes :)

That is all I have for this short post, I will probably be making another update post about promotion ideas for the project we can all do! Anyways big love to all of you, and please give me feedback so I can help make this fun! :) 

love always,
Kate The Great xoxo

Email: wwadallas2014@gmail.com
Twitter: @WWADallas_2014
personal- @itsMeKatelynE 

Friday, January 3, 2014


Hey lovelies!! 
I just wanted to give an update on the #BlueButterflyProject and #GlowOutDallas!! If you don't know what they are, you can find out here: http://katethegreat497.blogspot.com/2013/12/bluebutterflyproject-glowoutdallas.html?spref=tw :) 

So first off let's start with a Blue Butterfly Project update! 
As you probably already know, we want to make signs saying "Release Your Butterfly" on them, like Harry tweeted a picture of his tattoo with that saying. If you make a sign, it CANNOT have the DEBRA Ireland butterfly logo. It can have a butterfly you just have to make sure it isn't their official logo! (To see their logo look at their twitter @debraireland) also think about how we should be courteous to others and not obstruct people's views to greatly with an obnoxiously big sign! Also along with this make sure you make a Blue bandana with either something painted on with glow in the dark paint on it! (If you can't find any glow in the dark paint to put on it, bring a blue bandana anyway!) Also it would be smart to make your "Release Your Butterfly" signs with glow in the dark paint, so they can be seen by the boys! :):) if you have more questions ask @teamirwinn or myself @WWADallas_2014! :) 

Glow Out Dallas update: 
So I just wanted to say Glow Out Dallas is different than Dallas Glow Out, and I'm not in anyway bashing that idea at all :) Glow Out Dallas was created before, and I just wanted to make sure there were no accusations or hard feelings towards stealing ideas, etc. The main idea of Glow Out Dallas is for everyone to have Glow In The Dark painted signs so the stadium would look a glow and amazing! Also I think the boys would like to be able to see the signs more easily this way :) the idea of the stadium being lit up would just be so pretty! I know that we are asking if you are participating in the Blue Butterfly Project to make a sign, and then if you are also participating in making a Glow Out Dallas sign it can kind of being demanding, so I just wanted to suggest make a two sided sign :) that way you could have both! Of course you don't have to make both, but it'd be great if you did, or combined the idea of making your bandana and BBP sign glow in the dark as well!! Also Dallas Glow Out, is more focused on wearing bright clothes, etc. which is great if you'd like to be involved in that, but Glow Out Dallas is more focused on having a glowing signs and bandanas that are in conjunction with BBP! :) Also a suggestion for the glow out signs if you're going with a large group friends maybe spell out we love you, or something! 

Clarification on the WWA Dallas Dream Team: 
I tweeted earlier tonight about the WWA Dallas Dream which is basically just a big group of supporters of the the two projects!! :) Right now we need everyone who wants to get involved with us to literally promote our projects! Spread our blogpost links, get the word out on big WWA Tour accounts, share it on insta, do everything you can! We want to raise awareness for EB and DEBRA Ireland through this because it's a great cause, as well as make our concert memorable and amazing for our boys :) A great way to get the word out is by searching twitter for tweets with WWA Dallas and asking if they know about the projects, and sharing the project blog posts, etc with them! Tell small accounts and big accounts, they ALL make a difference! 

Closing note: 
I just wanted to thank Emily, @teamirwinn for allowing me to help with her great ideas :) go follow her! If you have questions tweets us! Thanks for the support! 

Xoxo, Kate The Great