Saturday, February 1, 2014

WWA Dallas Show Plans

Hey everyone!! I just wanted to make a master post with all the information I know of about what our show is doing for the concert, so we can all be clear on what's going on! 

A lot of people have asked if Glow Out Dallas is still happening, the answer of course is yes! Glow Out Dallas is just simply making signs with glow in the dark paint, (which can be purchased at Walmart, Target, Michael's Craft Stores, etc.)! The signs being made with glow in the dark paint makes an awesome effect to how the signs look, and also the boys are able to see your sign much more clearly and when they look out they can read them more easily! You can be as creative as you want with the signs of course, a cool idea is to make signs maybe for your whole row spelling out something! You can always wear glow in the dark clothing if you'd like, but mainly we just think it will look extremely cool to have the entire AT&T Stadium lit up! :)

Next is the #ButterflyProject! This project is made to raise awareness for Epidermolysis Bullosa, which is a rare genetic disease that causes the skin to blister and is extremely hard to live with. Many people don't know about the disease, but it is very serious. DEBRA is the foundation that has spread awareness and gets help to families with children affected by EB. DEBRA's mascot is a butterfly, and children diagnosed with EB are referred to as the "Butterfly Children," because their skin is as delicate as a butterfly's wings. The idea for the project below was inspired by Harry tweeting to DEBRA of Ireland a picture of his butterfly tattoo saying he had released his butterfly!

Some changes have been made since Emily (@varsityclifford), and I are working with DEBRA of America, which is amazing! They are helping us so much and our concert is going to be awesome! When the project was originally created it was with the color scheme of blue, which was the butterfly color of DEBRA of Ireland! Since we are now associated and working with DEBRA of America, we have changed the color to red
Feel free to spread this picture and blogpost link! 

What we are doing to raise awareness is making signs, which we hold up during one song (yet to be determined, waiting for the set list to come out of course!) The sign should say, "Release Your Butterfly," on it with a red butterfly somewhere on the sign! It can be drawn, painted, printed whatever you'd like! We may be able to make a printable sign that everyone can print off, we will let you know! We'd also like everyone to wear a red bandana, wherever you'd like to wear it, it doesn't have to specifically go on your head, or arm you can choose wherever! :) 

Hopefully this thoroughly explained everything! And if you ever have any questions feel free to tweet and ask Emily and I:
Emily's Twitter: @varsityclifford
My Twitter: @WWADallas_2014
Personal: @itsMeKatelynE
DEBRA of America: @DebraofAmerica